
SiS International Limited appointed as an authorized Distributor of NSFOCUS


SiS International Limited is very pleased to announce that we have been granted the authority to officially distribute NSFOCUS products in HongKong and Macau.

NSFOCUS is an iconic internet and application security company with 20 years of proven industry experience. With 3000+ employees in worldwide, NSFOCUS deliver over 8,000 customers including Government,Telecom, Data centre, Financial, Educational Institutions, Service providers and Enterprises. With Global Cloud Cleaning Centre, NSFOCUS Cloud service is available everywhere in the world and supporting 400 Million Endpoints, 4.2 Billion Global IP Address, 50 Billion DNS records.

NSFOCUS research and development teams focus on vulnerability analysis, threat understanding, and security intelligence, while providing core technical support for NSFOCUS products, solutions and services.This long-term commitment has helped our customers maintain high levels of business operations and security protection.

SiS feel grateful about this partnership and looks forward to driving sales of NSFOCUS’s innovative products through existing and new channels while delivering high quality products and user experience in cyber security segments.

We look forward to a successful collaboration.
